Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wasting Time With God

Wasting Time With God

A Christian Spirituality of Friendship with God By Klaus Issler

This information is from the IVP website. The link is given below.
When it comes to developing a deep, trusting relationship with God, efficiency and productivity are not the answer. It's far better to "waste" time with him, to just enjoy being with him. After all, that's how any friendship grows.
But making room for God in the midst of our fast-paced lives is not an easy task. Just as time with our best friends can get squeezed out by the rush of activities, so can time with God. Even "wasting time" with God means making a commitment and setting priorities--whether it's something we enjoy or not.
Beginning with the supposition that God desires friendship with us, Klaus Issler encourages us to consider seven character traits and to develop their companion disciplines: friendship, humility, faith, commitment, communication, apprenticeship and partnership. Here is a full-orbed model of Christian spirituality that will be of lasting value. (IVP web Site)

Visit Klaus Issler's website at Biola University!
It has a great deal more info.

Table of Contents
Foreword by James M. Houston 9

Acknowledgements 11
1. The Quest: Knowing God More Deepl 13

Part I: Making Room for God
2. Friendship: Approaching the God Who is Love. 37
3. Humility: Honoring the God Who is Holy 67
4. Faith: Seeing the God Who is Invisible 90

Part II: Deepening our Friendship with God
5. Commitment: Seeking the God Who Hides 123
6. Communication: Hearing the God Who Speaks 151
7. Apprenticeship: Yielding to the God Who Disciplines 183
8. Partnership: Asking the God Who Answers 214
Notes 249
Indices 283

IVP also has Book Excerpts

Features & Benefits
*offers a full-orbed model of Christian discipleship
*shows you how to make room for God amid daily responsibilities and pressing events *highlights the value of developing friendship with God
*explores the relationship between character development and spiritual disciplines
*considers seven disciplines: friendship, humility, faith, commitment, communication, *apprenticeship and partnership