Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Church of Facebook,

How is our rapidly-changing hyperconnected culture impacting the church?

A recent Associated Press article that ran in USA Today discussed how the internet has become the hottest place to build a church. A number of congregations are creating “internet campuses” where visitors can do much more than just watch an internet stream of the local worship service.

These sites are fully interactive and come with their own pastor, live chats, 1-on-1 prayer through IM, communion, and in some cases have conducted long-distance baptisms. As the article says, “The move online is forcing Christians to re-examine their idea of church. It’s a complex discussion involving theology, tradition and cultural expectations of how Christian should worship and relate. Even developers of Internet church sites disagree over how far they should go.”

In response to the article, Jesse Rice, the author of The Church of Facebook, states, “The way we think about and experience church is shifting quickly and radically. Membership in Internet churches is exploding while mainline denominations continue to see their pews emptying fast. What’s going on here and what should be our response?” In The Church of Facebook, Rice takes a hard look at the Internet-driven trends effecting the church worldwide and invites readers to consider, through humor and well-researched information, how we can truly be “the hands and feet of Jesus” in the disembodied worlds of Facebook, Twitter, and online faith communities.

Online social networks like Facebook and MySpace are connecting people like never before. With hundreds of millions of users, they’re creating almost limitless potential to redefine our personal worlds. It’s a movement that’s changing how we form relationships, perceive others, and shape our identity. In his book, Rice takes a deeper look at the movement which, at its core, reflects our need for community. “Our longing for intimacy, connection, and a place to belong has never been a secret, but social networking offers us a new perspective on the way we engage our community,” Rice explains.
This new perspective raises new questions:
1. How do these networks impact our relationships?
2. In what ways are they shaping the way we think of ourselves?
3. And how might this phenomenon subtly reflect a God who longs to connect with each one of us?

Social networking is no fad; it has become a fact of life, especially for teens and twenty-somethings. The Church of Facebook is essential reading for parents and pastors who want to understand this trend and its impact on their children and congregations. Rice’s discussions will engage social networkers of all ages and stages who are wrestling with the very real issues of identity, meaning, purpose, and friendship within the context of virtual communities.

In the end, The Church of Facebook moves readers toward understanding God’s work in the body of Christ, the church. Rice challenges readers to consider new perspectives regarding their social networking habits and how those habits may point to deeper heart issues and, ultimately, our hunger for Jesus.

“What are we to make of the future church?” Rice asks. “How do we go about cultivating authentic community and transformative discipleship within disembodied online environments? It’s more important than ever that we understand the cultural forces pushing and pulling at the church, and how we can best engage them.”

The Church of Facebook by Jesse Rice David C Cook/October 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4347-6534-5/192 pages/softcover/$12.99

Monday, December 21, 2009

Accomplishing God's Will

The Truths we proclaim in accomplishing God's will must line up with God's ways not the wisdom of the day or hour. This applies in the following four strategic; Fulfillment of our calling, Leadership principles must guide, Covenant with many people, Moving with the opportunity:

1. Fulfillment of our calling: If we have a calling, gifts and anointing and if we seek God about something that is within the realm of our calling the idea that we have as a result will be His perfect plan, in scope, timing, place or relationship.
Truth: If we have not sought (inquired of) the Lord diligently and truly heard from Him we will march into battle with a plan that may have worked elsewhere or seem good to us but is not God's plan for the hour or the circumstance we face. Israel at AI. Joshua 7 and 8.

2. Leadership principles must guide: We say we should use leadership principles to accomplish the call He has given but without inquiring of the Lord we will be trapped into ungodly results. Look at King Hezekiah's father Ahaz who did what seemed right according to the leadership principles of the day. 2 Chronicles.
Truth: Leadership principles must be based on the foundational truth of the Word made Rhema for the hour and tested by prayer and humbling ourselves before God until we hear the sure Word of the Lord. All that Ahaz did had to be undone by his Godly son.

3. Covenant with many people: We say we should be in relationship with all who will be helpful to our mission or calling.
Truth: If we have not sought (inquired of) the Lord diligently and truly heard from Him we will make covenant with people we should not be in covenant with. Gibeon in Joshua 9.

4. Moving with the opportunity: We think we must be willing to move or stand still as the opportunity seems right.
Truth: When Israel was in the wilderness they had the pillar of cloud by day and the fire by night. They stayed still (encamped) when it was still but were always to be dressed and ready to move as the Lord commanded at the trumpets sound. We must move or wait based on the Lord's leadership not opportunity. Paul seeking to go one way where there seemed to be opportunity and God directing Him in a vision and by His Spirit to go to Macedonia. Acts 16:6-12.

The Longview Q+A

Q&A with Dr. Roger Parrott,
Author of The Longview
Part 1

"Many of today’s ministries suffer from a near-sighted vision. Too often leaders choose easy solutions over principled, long-term strategies. The results can be devastating, as ignored issues become full-blown crises, and small problems become big challenges.

The Longview (David C Cook, October 2009) is a fresh approach to leadership that will transform how readers make decisions and address problems. Author Dr. Roger Parrott offers proven, practical principles drawn from scripture and his renowned career in educational leadership. Parrott issues readers a timely challenge: Defy the trends of short-sighted goal-making for quick returns by learning to lead for long-term significance.

Do we have a leadership void today?

The problem is not that we don’t have great leaders, in fact, we’ve probably never had more educationally well prepared leaders than we have today. The problem is that leaders are caught in an ever tightening vice grip of unrealistic expectations that pressure them into valuing turn-around over transformation. Today’s leaders are expected to find simple solutions to complex problems, and because these quick-fixes only hold for a short time, leaders from presidents to pastors disappoint those they are leading.

I believe this pattern started in American culture in the 1980s with the quest to get rich quick from junk bonds and buy outs, through the dot.coms in the 1990s, and the explosion of “want it now” credit card debt and built into the real-estate frenzy created by leveraged speculators in the past decide. So leaders have been reared, tutored, and equipped to operate in a world that prizes immediate results over lasting significance.

For three decades skyrocketing incentives have been the norm for all manner of short-term producers—from stockbrokers to college coaches—as leaders at every level have indoctrinated us to believe immediate gains trump long-term consequences. This nearsightedness is eroding the foundational underpinnings of organizational quality and severely handicapping the effectiveness of leaders who are robbing the future to pay for today.

How did the Church become caught up on a short view approach and what are the consequences?

As we often do in the Church, we’ve followed the pattern of the world – in this case, the best of business and organizational teaching – but in mimicking the leadership patters of business and politics, we’ve strayed from the Longview leadership model given to us by Jesus. Because this short view corporate culture has so permeated the church today, we in ministry have loosened our grip on the biblical model for leadership. We have grown to expect and even demand an ever-increasing cycle of measureable and immediate results from our leaders.

Our theology and our ministry passion draw us to talk about Longview outcomes as our heart’s desire, but we have been duped into fostering a generation of leaders, board members, employees, and constituencies who value short-term gain over Longview significance. Ministry leaders believe it and act accordingly—hiring and rewarding people who can promote Band-Aid fixes as monumental solutions, creating plans that promise the moon and always come up short, raising funds from unrealistically compressed donor relationships, and touting those results that can most easily be measured and applauded.

Why do you believe rising leaders are the generation who will value a Longview approach to leadership?

For three reasons I’m convinced this new generation of leaders are ready to embrace Longview leadership:

1. They know the short view doesn’t work. This is likely to be the first generation that has not had a quality of life better than their parents. And they know the reason is we are not dealing with Longview solutions in the macro problems of health care, terrorism, energy, and the economy. And they will be the ones to pay the price for patchwork fixes.

2. They are connected to huge networks of real people through social networking, and listen to them rather than public relations messages – and they know from their peers that sugarcoating a problem doesn’t make it go away.

3. This new generation of leaders is much more focused on mission significance and problem solving than on organizational stature and position climbing. They want to make a difference in the world, and they are willing to dig into problems to find lasting solutions.

The challenge for younger leaders is that they have never been given the tools to lead in a Longview pattern. So the book is not just a call to Longview leadership, but mostly is deals with the everyday nitty-gritty issues of leadership from a Longview perspective."

About the author: At age thirty-four Roger Parrott became one of America’s youngest college presidents. Parrott is currently the president of Belhaven University, an innovative liberal arts institution recognized as the leading evangelical college in the Arts. He earned a PhD in higher education administration from the University of Maryland. Parrott serves in leadership of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, Mission America Coalition, and Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. He has advised a wide variety of ministries in the US and internationally.

The Longview by Roger Parrott, Ph.D.
David C Cook/October 2009/ISBN: 978-1-4347-6749-3/hardcover/255 pages/$16.99

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Longview: Lasting Strategies for Rising Leaders

What follows is a series of materials on:
The Longview: Lasting Strategies for Rising Leaders

Below is a PR plug from the publisher with other materials to follow.
"Author Roger Parrott explains why leaders need measure lasting outcomes as well as immediate results

We live in a quick-fix, immediate-impact, short-view world. But we serve a longview God.

We need to return to a biblical model of leadership that values transformation over turnaround and measures eternal outcomes as well as immediate effectiveness. In his book, The Longview, Dr. Roger Parrott offers a guide to a leadership lifestyle of lasting significance that will revolutionize the way you lead, and provide you practical tools to lead for the longview.

Chapters of the book present hard hitting revolutionary leadership thinking, such as:

· Planning Will Drain the Life from Your Ministry
· Deflate Your Ego to Expand Your Influence
· Preempting the Stickiest Challenge of Long-Term Leadership
· Shepherding a Vision Without Scaring Away the Flock
· Lead As If You’ll Be There Forever

For three decades our culture has increasingly valued short-term producers-from stockbrokers to college coaches-as leaders at every level have indoctrinated us to believe immediate gains trump long-term consequences. And the Church has been swept up into this same leadership pattern, hiring and rewarding people who promote Band-Aid fixes as monumental solutions, creating plans that promise the moon and always come up short, raising funds from unrealistically compressed donor relationships, and touting to boards and constituencies those results that can most easily be measured and applauded.

From health care and the global financial crisis, to the needs of a businesses, local churches, or community based ministries, Dr. Parrott calls leaders to tackle the foundational eroding of leadership. Christian leaders in the marketplace and in ministry need to courageously break the short-view pattern leadership that has kept us on a course of disappointing results and blocks us from capturing God’s best."

The Longview by Roger Parrott, Ph.D.
David C Cook/October 2009/ISBN: 978-1-4347-6749-3/hardcover/255 pages/$16.99
Visit to listen to an interview with the author.

Monday, December 07, 2009

My Concluding Comments on Anatomy of Miracle

My Concluding Comments on Anatomy of Miracle

This series on interactions had been and continues to be about the book Anatomy of a Miracle, by James B. Richards

In my last response I said the following: “It is oblivious to me that you are a very intelligent and gifted person, I cannot argue you into altering your teaching nor should I as you and I both must answer to God alone. I would however recommend that you research the concepts you teach from the point of view of the new age teachers I have mentioned and listed resources quoted on my equippers tool box blog review of your material on this subject.
I believe this will protect you and enlighten you as to how these concepts are used by those who do not hold Jesus to be the Messiah use and teach these concepts. The end result is that you would be able to avoid communicating in a way that would hinder your stated goals to me and others. One of the great risk you take when you teach these ideas to those who know nothing about the new age or Gnostic teaching is that they become open to the ideas and may fall prey to New Age teaching that uses the same terminology. Not everyone is as well educated and intelligent as you are or able to discern between what you say your intent is and your content is and a new age writer/teacher who's intent is different and points away from Christ not toward him.”
My additional concern is that when you use quotes from Chinese Philosophers and non-biblical sources without pointing out that the Biblical material is on a different level of truth your non-Christian reader may assume that they are equal and that they have no need of Christ or the that the Bible does require them to come to Christ alone for real Spiritual truth.

The above are Just a few suggestions for you as a writer and teacher to make clear the differences between what you and the New Age teach proclaim.

These are my concluding remarks. I still strongly believe what I have said about these teachings based on personal experience and study, I would prefer to agree to disagree and leave the matter at that for now as I do not see us coming to any type of theological agreement concerning your Anatomy of a Miracle teachings.

I might also add that success in ministry at one point or over a period of time does not mean that everything we believe to be Biblical enlightenment is. This includes methodology as well as content. We must guard our hearts and those we teach from those things that take others away from the truth of God’s Word, even in an attempt to bring them in in a unique way...

Sincerely Equipper

3rd Reply From James Richards

The third reply from Jim Richards author of Anatomy of a Miracle


I am thankful for your response. I understand your deep concerns and respect your desire to hold to the truth.

I led hundreds of hippies to Jesus, because I spoke their language. I have gone into many cultures and gained audience because I learned what they valued and expressed truth in language that made sense to them. I once led a Jehovah’s Witness to Jesus using his bible. I have led many Chinese to Jesus using the words of Lao Tzu to gain their respect and communicate on their level. In fact, I have had the door opened to me by some of the most respected Chinese leaders in the community to share Jesus with Buddhist priests. In our health clinic, I introduced numbers of new Agers to Jesus, because I could talk their language and showed respect for their beliefs even when they knew I disagreed strongly with those beliefs. The list could go on and the point could be lost.

As a student of the word, hopefully you are a student of history and current trends. The church is losing ground daily. You are correct when you have concerns about believes defecting to New Age and other cults, it is happening at an alarming rate. Approximately 5000 evangelical churches are closing their doors every year. Among the many issues facing the church today is our lack of relevance, the failure to live (model) what the Bible teaches, and an unwillingness to communicate in a way that connects with the very people we attempt to reach. It like fishing without bait. It seems that much of the church is more comfortable letting millions slip into eternity without Jesus than we are stepping beyond our comfort zones. We can’t keep doing what isn’t working, what hasn’t worked for a long time and abandon the world Jesus died for.

I have no intention of ever departing from Biblical truth, or Jesus as my Lord. Truth is absolute, but the application and expression of truth is dynamic. I have and will spend my life reaching beyond the walls of the church to a world without Jesus. In The Anatomy of a Miracle I have used the language, the terminology and even the scientific data that is being used to denounce the miraculous and turn people away from God. I have taken the very language that others have used to disprove and have pointed people back to God the Creator of all things. And if the statistics hold true 86% of the people who buy one of my books buys another within 30 days. They will hear a very clear and very bold message of the cross, faith righteousness, the Lordship of Jesus and the Kingdom of God. In so doing the door is opened to me to millions of people that otherwise would not listen. And for millions of believers, the miraculous, will be conceptualized in language that makes sense to them, and facilitates faith coming alive in their heart. They will turn to God and true faith in the Lord Jesus. Their intellect will no longer lead them from the miraculous, but to it.

Will I be misunderstood and vilified for this? Yes, by some! Is there a risk of people misunderstanding the goal? Yes! Did I calculate this risk? Most certainly! Will the risk I run and the price be worth it? Only time will tell. So far, it looks as if I will do what I have set out to do. Both of the previously mentioned things are happening! And reaching the lost and strengthening the body has what I have been effectively doing for a very long time.

When I am back in Denver, or should our paths cross, if you desire to visit face to face I will more than gladly do so, with no predetermined animosity or agenda, other than open communication. Sometimes words on a page, fail to communicate as effectively as the words being spoken for our own ears to hear and eyes to see.

Thank you for your time and willingness to communicate.

Jim Richards

Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Response To the Open Letter by Jim Richards

Below is my response to James B. Richards' Open letter.


Thank you for your response. At this point in my life I have very little time to continue discussing these matters. You are correct that there is much kingdom work to do!

I too have experience that causes me to respond as I have in seeking to equip and empower the believer to accomplish great kingdom assignments as God empowers them. I have taught on the college level at a Spirit filled Charismatic college, NT Greek, Hermeneutics, Spiritual Warfare, Prayer evangelism-City taking, deliverance, Angels and Demons, the Gospels, The person and Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Gifts and personality profiles, Deliverance and Inner healing, Minor prophets, Apologetics...yada yada yada.

I have a passion for revival and the outpouring of the Spirit in our day. I have had students from 27 nations and 18 native American people groups. many have fulfilled their callings in the five fold ministry and have accomplished more in 5 to 7 years then I could have imagined. My blogs are read all over the world. I have spent years crying out against dead religion and the curse of people saying they are Spirit filled and yet watching as those very same leaders continually flee the move of God in the name of not offending some.

All that to say I am not a novice at the things of God, the work of the Spirit both currently and in Church history. God mightily delivered me and has given me the honor of being a part of His wonderful work in the earth. Having said all that I am nothing in and of myself. The prophetic and teaching motivational gifting within me causes me to respond in ways and with a level of passion that is intense and I will not quench His working.

It is oblivious to me that you are a very intelligent and gifted person, I can not argue you into altering your teaching nor should I as you and I both must answer to God alone.

I would however recommend that you research the concepts you teach from the point of view of the new age teachers I have mentioned and the resources quoted on my equippers tool box blog review of your material on this subject.

I believe this will protect you and enlighten you as to how these concepts are used by those who do not hold Jesus to be the Messiah use and teach these concepts. The end result is that you would be able to avoid communicating in a way that would hinder your stated goals to me and others.

One of the great risk you take when you teach these ideas to those who know nothing about the new age or Gnostic teaching is that they become open to the ideas and may fall prey to New Age teaching that uses the same terminology. Not everyone is as well educated and intelligent as you are or able to discern between what you say your intent is and your content is and a new age writer/teacher who's intent is different and points away from Christ not toward him. Just a few suggestions...

I would also like to conclude this discussion. I still strongly believe what I have said about these teachings based on personal experience and study, I would prefer to agree to disagree and leave the matter at that for now as I do not see us coming to any type of theological agreement concerning your Anatomy of A Miracle teachings.


An Open Letter From James B. Richards

Below is Jim Richards' response to my earlier response.

Thank you. It is very kind of you to do so.

Please understand, I have no problem with how you feel about this book. If, however, you want to know the scriptural basis for what I have said, or if you really desire to have healthy dialog about the results or outcome of this project, I will be more than glad to be open and forthright with you. But I’m not interested in “fighting” or having conflict. There is too much to do for the Kingdom for either of us to get derailed. I am interested in reaching the part of the world that the church is not reaching… and as I said, I do that very effectively. Otherwise, we will just agree to hold differing views and leave it at that.

I extend to you an open invitation to ask me anything you desire to ask me about my beliefs, or what I have said or why I have said it. If I find I am in the wrong, repentance will be the pathways for healing and revelation. I am never interested in holding my view to the exclusion of what God’s Word is seeking to reveal.

Please understand, I deliberately did not give scripture and verse for everything I said. I figured believers would look them up, or knowledgeable believers would recognize what was being said without the reference. I knew that non-believers would close the book and never get to the end goal, of seeing God, the Creator of all things as the only source of life. As a former street evangelist, crusade preacher and life-time personal soul winner, I have found that I have to find the common ground, and use familiar terminology, just as Paul did, before I can get them to open their hearts and minds.

Be blessed. However much we may disagree, I respect that you have passion!

Jim Richards

Thursday, November 26, 2009

My Response to James Richards

Dear James

I have read your response and yes I will post it. I will also post a response. Since I just got in and it is late I would like to point out a few things in this response from you.

1. My review of your book in no way is a personal attack on you or your ministry; it is an analysis of the teaching of the book and the video streaming seminar.

2. Your previous writings seem biblical and from my research about you and your ministry you have had a good reputation until the publishing of this book. You also seem to be a very intelligent person.

3. I have not claimed that you do not believe in "First of all and most importantly, contrary to what you have written, I believe on and preach Jesus as Lord and Savior. I believe in the finished work of the cross. I believe in salvation through faith in the risen Lord.

4. Although you claim now not to have special knowledge your teachings indicate you do and it is not that hard to see.

5. You have taken the writings of others from outside the Bible and used them in a way that to the uninformed seem harmless even wise. When you say you have never done this it seems absurd after reading your book.

6. No, I did not contact you as your writings and teaching should stand for them self and not need an argument or discussion to be explained. If so then as a teacher you have failed.

7. Yes biblically we have the right to speak up when someone is teaching a message that might confuse and hinder the work of God in a believer’s life. I believe I have made it clear why and how I disagree with your teaching in this area.

8 Yes we should use language that people today understand and that faithfully represents the original tongue of the Biblical writers.

9. It is not the word intention that is the problem but the teaching that surrounds it.

10. I stand by “The author parts from the whole teaching of Bible on sin, the Word of God, the role of God's power in man's life and righteousness. By so doing he lifts up humanism (man's ability or potential is exalted) and God's redemptive work pushed to the side.” You do address these issues at various places in your spoken and written material. I suggest you reread your own book and listen to your own teachings. You:
O Redefine sin, removing God from the equation as being offended by sin... “Don’t ever think about sin as ‘these are the bad things, these are the wrong things;’ think about things as ‘these are the self-destructive things.’”
O Redefine ‘logos’ as not being the written Word of God, but rather “concepts…logic…the way God works…creative ideas based on Scriptural principles” (This inserts much elasticity in the Word that affords much room for “new” interpretation.)
O Redefine righteousness… “Righteousness…is when things are as they should be…Righteousness is a state of being where things are as they should be…Being happy is righteous because that’s how it should be.” (Many unsaved people are quite happy in their sin-based lives, but their happiness certainly does not reflect any righteousness before God!)

11. Your exaltation of the ideas and principles which are cornerstones to new agers puts you in a place of supporting the elevation of man without the clear word that our elevation is in Him (Christ) and through Him alone, not because of these so called laws.

12. You say "I probable preach a much stronger message about the issues of man’s fall, the effects of sin and man’s need for righteousness, through the finished work of Jesus than you have ever heard. It is the corner stone of everything I preach concerning man, his capacity for knowing God and experiencing eternal life."

You have no idea what I have or have not heard or believe. You may want to read my blogs and web sites before you make any assertions as to these matters, as I have done concerning you.
If these are cornerstone issues for you may want to redig those wells again.

You say Jesus paraphrased scriptural truth into parables and concepts, usually about nature, that the people could conceptualize, thereby turning them to God! It actuality he clearly interpreted the meaning of these truths so that people understood them accurately.

13. Your statement
Ø “You know what? When I’m preaching…so many times I hear what people are thinking. For real! I’m hearing all these voices…..”
This is not a word of knowledge or wisdom nor does it fit with any Biblical gift.

14. According to your statement, "You say these laws that operate in this world, the laws of physics, and the natural laws are of the devil.
I never said that. So you may want to reread what I said. What I said is and I will expand it for you, 'these so called laws are the foundational teachings of the new age cosmic consciousness crowd and not Biblical teaching.'

15. You said, "I don’t know if you mean well, or if you are just a mean-hearted legalist that attacks everything he doesn’t understand. But, if you actually care to know, let’s get this down to the bottom line: I wrote a book about the laws of nature that have operated from the beginning. I explained how people could operate in these laws whether they were or were not saved and I gently pointed people to the proactive love of our Creator. "

If you asked 1000 people who know me from around the world in my 35 years of Ministry they would laugh out loud at the thought of me being a legalist or attacking things I disagree with. In fact many would say that I am so in love with the move of God that I am encouraged by any sign God is on the move.

16. You say, you will also repent publically of the places you took liberty with your judgments and assumptions. Feel free to clearly state that you disagree with this book. But if you are a man of integrity you will retract your attacks on my beliefs. You will admit that you addressed issues that were totally outside of the scope of this one book and that you actually have no knowledge of what I believe.

I clearly stated that the comments were both about the book and the streaming video teaching.
I stand by my evaluation of these issues and challenge you to have a non biased well informed Spirit filled leader from outside of your own group read your writings and listen to your streaming video to assist you in communicating the message you claim to want to communicate.

17. You say, "
I’m sorry if my book offends you. But I promise you this. While you are busy arguing over your doctrinal struggles (which I can respect if you have the integrity to follow scriptural rules for communication and honesty), I will be reaching people that you will never reach and they will come to Jesus, and fall in love with God!"

I am grieved that a gifted teacher like yourself has been so misled as to what they have said and how it is could be impacting the move of God among people in our day.

I will rejoice if you reach more people with the power and grace of God. It would be helpful if the teachings in this book are not a part of that outreach as the mixing of the pure Word of God and the pure power and gifts of God with such blatantly New age non Biblical teaching will corrupt the good seed you sow

A Response to my last post by James Richards


I don’t know if we have ever met. It is hard to imagine that we have. Since you have so boldly and publically expressed your opinion about me I wondered if you would want to know the truth, which you have not bothered to discover, and if you had the courage to post my reply alongside your public attack.

I agree with your right to say anything you desire to say about my book. You have an opinion and by all means have the right to express that opinion except where it departs from fact.

First of all and most importantly, contrary to what you have written, I believe on and preach Jesus as Lord and Savior. I believe in the finished work of the cross. I believe in salvation through faith in the risen Lord. I do not claim, in my book nor in any of my teaching to have any secret knowledge or special anointing, both of which are Gnostic claims. This is something you extrapolated. I don’t think there are any secrets, Jesus was the revelation of God and we should look to Him, His Word and His finished work for our every belief, thought and opinion about every aspect of life and faith. I do in fact, strongly and clearly preach and warn against, Gnosticism, asceticism, mysticism and religious legalism.

I have been a fully committed believer for nearly forty years. I have preached the gospel to millions of people through crusades, books, videos, recorded messages and television. I have trained thousands of leaders around the world. I have had my share personal struggles as I have sought to walk with and grow in God, as we all have, but I have never had an unfulfilled life or ministry. I have never looked outside of the Gospel or outside of my relationship with God for anything. There has never been the need! Every day of following Jesus as Lord has been an adventure of faith and service. You do not know me, you know nothing of my beliefs yet, you seem very comfortable attacking, assuming and misrepresenting someone that you never bothered to call. write or email, and yet you seem to think that you have some scriptural right to do so. Yes, if you think something is not true, addresses it, but to jump to so many misrepresentations of the fact, seems to violate the truth for which you say you are stand.

You misquoted and/or misrepresented me on almost every point in your writing. I never said my concept of faith is not in the Bible. I may use a word, just as any preacher does on any sermon that is not in the Bible. But that is not departure from the Bible. We use words that make sense to people today. The number one tool that has always been fundamental in reaching any generation is using language they know. As you know, so much of what we do as ministers is help people understand these Biblical words and concepts, many of which are not even good translations from the original language. But, never have I represented any concept of departing from the Bible or having knowledge that is based on anything other than the Bible.

I did use medical and scientific research and discoveries to explain many of the things that are happening when we operate faith. But even Jesus did this, albeit on a more fundamental level that was more effective with the people He was reaching. The world is going to hell, partly because the church has been unwilling to speak a language that is relevant to this generation. We think that to depart from the King James English is an abomination or evidence of new age beliefs. The church is more comfortable with people going to hell than learning how to communicate. And if you know church history, this is a plague that has been repeated generation after generation by a hard hearted, unbelieving church.

You criticized the fact that I said we should chose the end we desire. Jesus said we should have the faith of God (Mark 11:22), one aspect of the faith of God is to see, perceive, experience and declare the end from the beginning. Isa 46:10, speaks of God, Declaring the end from the beginning. In Mark 11: 23 Jesus said we had to, speak to the mountain, believe that what we say comes to pass, and not doubt. That would infer the end that has been chosen. The Bible tells us that we have life and death, blessing and cursing set before us, we must make our own choice. Deut 30:19, I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.

You criticize me for using the word intention. The Bible talks about the thoughts and intent of the heart, i.e. intention. There are many scriptures and words that in the original point to the concept of intention. I’m sure you understand the role intention has in faith. The word decide, intention and other words are implicated in the idea of repentance. For me to repent I have to change my mind, create new intentions about God life, sin or whatever. Just because they are not King James English it does not make the demonic. Intention may be mentioned in many ungodly writings, just as prayer, faith, love and every other Biblical truth is misrepresented and twisted. However, you are the one that has departed from reality and truth to imply that to use the word “intention” is to align myself with the Gnostic gospels or any New Age teacher. Satanist, conjure demons in the name of Jesus, should we stop using His name in prayer because of their misuse? Many new agers use the same words that you use when you talk about God; does that mean that when you use those words I have the right to pass judgment about all of your beliefs as you have mine? I think not!

You say, and I quote, “The author parts from the whole teaching of Bible on sin, the Word of God, the role of God's power in man's life and righteousness. By so doing he lifts up humanism (man's ability or potential is exalted) and God's redemptive work pushed to the side.” This is another complete untruth. Because I do not address those issues in this book is no indication of what I do or do not believe about them. Do you address every single doctrine about God every time you speak or write? If so does that give me license to pass judgment about your position on the issues you fail to address, or simply make things up, as you have done concerning me? If you preach a sermon that doesn’t deal with sin should I say that you are permissive? If you quote some of Jesus’ statements about whom man is in relationship to God does that make you a humanist?

You say I am a humanist because I have exalted man’s potential. My Bible Says we are created in the likeness and image of God, all things are possible if I believe. Jesus said He gives us the glory God gave Him. So does that make Jesus a humanist? I believe very deeply that in Christ we are all new creations. But I also believe that unregenerate man is still created in the likeness and image of God and that in that condition, as the scripture says, are loved by God! What you accuse me of, is the exact issue that ultimately drove the religious community to kill Jesus!

I probable preach a much stronger message about the issues of man’s fall, the effects of sin and man’s need for righteousness; through the finished work of Jesus than you have ever heard. It is the corner stone of everything I preach concerning man, his capacity for knowing God and experiencing eternal life. I had a very specific purpose for not addressing every Biblical issue in this book. I have been effective at winning the lost, especially those who have grown in antagonism toward the church. I do it based on the principles that Jesus used and what the scripture foretold of Him and His ministry. He didn’t shout in the streets, quoting scriptures at every sinner and pointing out every flaw. Most of His scriptural debates came when the legalists attacked Him for preaching what you have labeled as a humanistic message. He paraphrased scriptural truth into parables and concepts, usually about nature, that the people could conceptualize, thereby turning them to God!

Jesus didn’t minister like the legalists who had driven the people away from God. Isa 42:2-3, He will not cry out, nor raise His voice, nor cause His voice to be heard in the street. 3 A bruised reed He will not break, And smoking flax He will not quench. He just wasn’t religious enough for the Pharisees, but he was great at reaching the lost… as am I!

You claim to be charismatic, yet when I talked about flowing in what the Bible called words of knowledge, you ridiculed it. I may not have used a religious enough terminology to satisfy your mind, but if you were interested in the truth you would have acknowledged what I was talking about instead of twisting it. Hearing and perceiving, by the Spirit of God, what is happening internally with those to whom we minister is a cornerstone of Spirit led ministry. If it is of the devil then Jesus and every preacher who has flowed in the gifts of the Holy Spirit is of the devil. I have led thousands of people to Jesus because, as I shared the Word of God with them, the word of knowledge operated and I was able, by the Holy Spirit, to help them face their fears and life issues, including some of the issue that arose at that very moment.

You say these laws that operate in this world, the laws of physics, the natural laws are of the devil. If that is the case, you should never drive a car, fly in an airplane, or ride in a boat, in fact you should not eat, breathe or sleep, because life in this world is dependent on the laws that God Himself, the One and only Creator established. If a person experiencing healing apart from praying is of the devil then every time our body supports our natural healing process of our immune function, we are demon possessed. I realize that many people as Paul said, learn of these laws and worship the creation instead of the Creator. It is hard for me to imagine people being that stupid and it is hard for me to imagine how you extrapolated that from what I wrote. I see all that God has created, and I honor Him in everything. I recognize that every scientific discovery, every capacity of man, and every benefit of nature is a gift from God. Acknowledging that is worshipping our God, and in no way diminishes the Lordship of Jesus in my life or the lives of those who read my material. In fact, it has just the opposite effect.

I don’t know if you mean well, or if you are just a mean-hearted legalist that attacks everything he doesn’t understand. But, if you actually care to know, let’s get this down to the bottom line: I wrote a book about the laws of nature that have operated from the beginning. I explained how people could operate in these laws whether they were or were not saved and I gently pointed people to the proactive love of our Creator. My bible says God is good and causes the sun to shine on the just and the unjust. The religious dichotomy of secular and sacred has been what has caused those who value nature to be driven out of the church into other movements. It is the churches unscriptural dualistic theories that have driven science and a lot of intelligence out of the church.

You say you have a back ground in new age and witchcraft, and then you should heed the words of the apostle Paul in Romans 14 where people attacked him for eating meat sacrificed to the devil. The apostle Paul pointed out that their observance and sensitivity to those false gods and religious rules indicated they were weak in the faith. They believe more in the life they came from than the finished work of Jesus! I have known hundreds of former new agers that were more moved by what they feared than what the Bible actually taught about who we are and what we have in Jesus!

I say these laws honor God and help us understand God. You say they don’t. The apostle Paul said they would in fact help us understand God. Rom 1:20, for since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.

I said operate faith the same way God does, since we are created in His likeness and image. You say that is new age. Jesus said, Mark 11:22, so Jesus answered and said to them, "Have faith in God. Bro Hagin and most Word of faith teacher, and the Greek language all agree that could be translated have the faith “of” God.

I say, choose the end you desire. You say that to choose the end you desire is new age and of the devil. Moses said you choose (Deut 30:19). Jesus said, What thing you desire when you pray…(Mark 11:24).

I used 21st century terminology, firmly based on scripture in order to make this more understandable and appealing to the lost, the struggling and those who have been turned away from Christianity. You claim that is a departure from the word of God. Yet, this is exactly what Jesus did through the use of parables.

I have not written you to persuade you. But, if you are a man of integrity, you will post my reply. You will also repent publically of the places you took liberty with your judgments and assumptions. Feel free to clearly state that you disagree with this book. But if you are a man of integrity you will retract your attacks on my beliefs. You will admit that you addressed issues that were totally outside of the scope of this one book and that you actually have no knowledge of what I believe.

This book has already sold more than 6000 copies. I have had about 5 complaints, counting yours. There were actually a couple of those who had enough integrity to write or call me and ask their questions. Most of those were satisfied with my response. On the other hand, this book has been widely accepted by many of the most reputable teachers and preachers in America. Testimony after testimony has come in from people who have not only made faith much simpler, but have actually fallen more deeply in love with God. Young people, college students and youth are able to sit through science and biology classes and realize that God created all things. Many parents have reported their children started reading the Bible again. New Agers who had been so opposed to Christianity are taking a fresh look at Jesus and some are coming to the Lord.

For centuries, the church has fought over every “jot and title;” we have fought over words and terminologies. Despite Paul’s many warning over the vanity of fighting over these issues, we still tend to think that if someone is out of the religious box, or if they say something different than we say it, that it is automatically of the devil. The church has arrogantly and hypocritically taken the position that unless “truth” came from the church it was not truth and was of the devil. They held on to the idea that the earth was flat and all who disagreed should come to a violent death.

I’m sorry if my book offends you. But I promise you this. While you are busy arguing over your doctrinal struggles (which I can respect if you have the integrity to follow scriptural rules for communication and honesty), I will be reaching people that you will never reach and they will come to Jesus, and fall in love with God!

Do you have the courage to post this reply? Do you have the courage to be a man, and open honest dialog with me before you continue in your unscriptural rant?

If not then there is no need for any further dialog. As I said, I’m not writing to change you. I’m just giving you and your followers an opportunity for the truth you left out, or twisted!

Jim Richards

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Grand Weaver

The Bible tells us that, God has fearfully and wonderfully made us. The unique combination of our DNA, family background, gifting, experience, education and the gifts of the Spirit operating in us makes us truly unique individuals.

Over the years I have found myself attracted to and have spoken about this subject because of its importance to the individual believer and the body of Christ. When you weave all of this together with the plan of God and the unfolding of the times and seasons of our lives we begin to see a tapestry which if presented to others with a true understanding of the weaving together of the natural and supernatural would cause us all to stand in awe of God wondrous workings in our lives.

This book adds much the discussion in this area. I highly recommend this work and hope you will join me in the discussion of it.

Below are some materials from the Zondervan web site and Ravi Zacharias' own site to give you a good introduction to this wonderful new book. Synopsis: "With inspiring stories and thought-provoking questions, Ravi Zacharias traces the multiple threads of our lives, describing how the unseen hand of God guides our joys, our tragedies, our daily humdrum to weave a pattern of divine providence and meaning." (from the Zondervan site)

"How differently would we live if we believed that every dimension of our lives--from the happy to the tragic to the mundane--were part of a beautiful and purposeful design in which no thread were wrongly woven?

That's what Ravi Zacharias explores in The Grand Weaver. As Christians, we believe that great events such as a death or a birth are guided by the hand of God. Yet we drift into feeling that our daily lives are the products of our own efforts.

This book brims with penetrating stories and insights that show us otherwise. From a chance encounter in a ticket line to a beloved father's final word before dying, from a random phone call to a line in a Scripture reading, every detail of life is woven into its perfect place. In The Grand Weaver, Dr. Zacharias examines our backgrounds, our disappointments, our triumphs, and our beliefs, and explains how they are all part of the intentional and perfect work of the Grand Weaver." Ravi Zacharias
For thirty-three years Ravi Zacharias (MDiv, Trinity International University) has spoken all over the world in great halls and universities, including Harvard, Princeton, and Oxford. He is listed as a distinguished lecturer with the Staley Foundation and has appeared on CNN and other international broadcasts.

The author of several books for adults and children, he powerfully mixes biblical teaching and Christian apologetics. His most recent works include Walking from East to West, a memoir, and The Grand Weaver, an exploration of God’s intention and pattern in both the ordinary and the startling elements of life. His weekly radio program, Let My People Think, is broadcast over 1,500 stations worldwide, and his weekday program, Just Thinking, began airing in November 2004. He is president of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, with additional offices in Canada, India, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United Arab Emirates. Dr. Zacharias and his wife, Margie, have three grown children and reside in Atlanta.

Author Website: here you will find a wealth of additional links. The site also allows you to read the first chapter.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Fire of God

The Fire of God Discovering Its Many Life-Changing Purposes
by Joy Dawson
God's Fascinating Fire of Love, Fires produce warmth, comfort, and distinctive beauty. Because our God is a consuming fire, He produces all that and much more. Understanding the fire of God allows you to pass through everyday scorching ordeals into the light of His empowering embrace without being burned.

The Fire of God:
Frees you from carnal desires.
Tests and purifies you.
Provides perseverance and strength.
Reveals His justice, grace, and mercy.

For our God is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29).

Filled with powerful biblical teaching and personal illustrations, author Joy Dawson shares how you can quench the inevitable fiery trials of life.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Storm Warrior

Don’t simply endure a spiritual storm—Vanquish it!
Are you facing a challenge? A defeat? A serious threat? Then you need to know more about Jesus’ strategy for His people.

Through keen Biblical insight and astonishing living examples, Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda help you embrace as never before the fact that the perfect Storm Warrior sits on the highest seat of authority in Heaven. He reigns over all—disease, calamity, even death. And He gives an impartation to all who commune with Him in truth. As you become saturated with the Lord Jesus, you, too, become a carrier. You become a storm warrior of God.

Jesus provided the example and the empowerment for you to be victorious in any circumstance. You already have the equipment you need to manifest the Kingdom. This believer’s handbook will show you how to use it.

1. One Word from the Glory
2. Row toward the Wave
3. Anatomy of a Storm Warrior
4. The Storm Warrior's Mission
5. The Calm in the Storm
6. Angels in the Storm
7. Transformation in the Storm
8. Overcoming Storms in the Last Days
9. Authority over the Demonic Storm
10. Breakthrough in the Storm
11. Rules of Engagement
12. The Ultimate Storm Warrior
13. Complete the Mission

Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda have served in global mission work together since 1980. They have written numerous bestsellers, including Only Love Can Make a Miracle, and have led more than one million people to Christ around the world. Mahesh and Bonnie are co-founders and senior pastors of All Nations Church in Charlotte, North Carolina and Atlanta, Georgia. Their television program, The Watch, presently goes to a billion households globally.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Lost Art of Practicing His Presence

"The Lost Art of Practicing His Presence"by James W. Goll Your heart has been created for the Presence of God, and it is not complete without His Presence living within. Nay-sayers try to convince you that His Presence is elusive and subjective, but their voice is silenced by the desire yearning from within for a union with your Lord and Creator. As a credible response for those who want to fill that inner void with His perfect union, The Lost Art of Practicing His Presence was written.

Author James Goll's own journey into His Presence has brought him face-to-face with angels and the Lord. Jim has heard His voice and has moved in His Presence for many years, carefully recording what he now shares with you.
Joyfully, you will discover how the Lord covets union with you as much as you seek His Presence.

Discover the delight of quiet meditation.·

Learn to wait and to watch with your Lord.·

Experience the joy of contemplative prayer.

Understand the fire of His love.

Learn about the journeys of others who have sought and found the sweetness of His Presence.

Destiny Image Publishers web site has the comments are below.

"The presence of God is meant to be more than just an occasional event during Sunday morning Worship---you are meant to live in God's presence! In The Lost Art of Practicing His Presence, James W. Goll uncovers ancient and nearly forgotten keys to deeper intimacy with Christ Jesus while revealing the ease of working with Christ instead of for Him.

Through this book you will rediscover the lost precepts of Biblical meditation, contemplative prayer, and waiting on the Lord and learn how to apply them in your own life. Most importantly, you will gain inspiration for your own intimate walk and the courage to spread the fire His presence to everyone around you!

The Lost Art of Practicing His Presence also includes a modern-language translation of The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence. An inspiration to James Goll, this 15th-century believer has inspired generations of Christians with his simple life and profound writings on the nature and presence of the Lord. "

The wisdom contained in this book will give you moment-by-moment confidence and hope as you journey toward the joy and pleasure of His Presence. James Goll.