Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Living Your Strengths Book

Living Your Strengths Book
I believe a part of being wise in leadership is undrstanding who you are and how you function. Below is one on the unique tools available today to measure the way you function. Although no single test or experience can tell who you are or were creted to be. I have found these test to affirm who I am and how I function. I have included my test results for this test so you have an example . This book and test might be a helpful and fun tool to use in your life and with your team, as well. For an example o the test results go to http:/equippersresume.blogspot.com

The following reviw or promo is from the Gallup web site.
American churches are experiencing a power shortage, declare the authors of Living Your Strengths. "People aren't harnessing the power of their innate gifts."
Does their message sound familiar? Have you felt disconnected from your church lately? Are you not attending as much?
Or maybe you're a passionate member who wants to become even more involved, and would also like to inspire others.
Whatever the case, more than half of churchgoers report that they don't get to do what they do best in their congregations. And this is driving people away.
But it doesn't have to be this way. Living Your Strengths shows all members how to use their innate gifts to enrich their congregations -- right now. It teaches you to identify and affirm your talents, and how to use them for growth and service.
"This book is a careful and faith-informed roadmap to discovering our Signature Themes of talent and unleashing the God-given potential within each of us."
-- Lovett H. Weems Jr., Distinguished Professor of Church Leadership at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C., and author of Take the Next Step: Leading Lasting Change in the Church
This article is seen in it's whole at http://faith.gallup.com/content/?CI=18268

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