Friday, January 22, 2010

Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN)

Serious Times Require Serious Intercession

S.I.G.N. is an Intercessory ministry designed for the Time and Season We are In!

Please read about it below. then click on it's link and learn more

The material below is from the Sign Web Site

Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN)
is a select group of committed intercessors, connected globally by the internet and e-mail, with a calling to intercede for "strategic level issues impacting the Body."

SIGN is not intended to be a "catch all" prayer chain. There are other lists that are dedicated to personal prayer for individuals and local groups.

SIGN addresses issues that are strategic in nature, that typically involve regions or nations, which are global in their potential impact.

Our Purpose is...
To intercede for strategic issues impacting the Body on a transnational or global level. The primary purpose of the Strategic Intercession Global Network is to provide an effective means of communication between intercessors for the purpose of coordinated, Spirit-led intercessory prayer.

SIGN gathers input from reports, as well as the prayer closets of SIGN members. Prayer targets and insights which bear on the issues being targeted are then summarized on, as well as being sent in more frequent, detailed form to those who have become members of the SIGN e-mail list.

The SIGN email list members consists of individuals, as well as groups (churches, ministries, intercession groups). The task is to provide coordinated, targeted posts that address significant issues and trends impacting the Body that are typically longer term in nature, but which also include shorter term issues, events and occurrences that bear strongly on the longer term trends.

We consider the ministry of intercession as a part of the prophetic giftings, specifically oriented by the description of the sons of Issachar, who were known as "men who understood the times and knew what to do."

Why Is There A Need For The Strategic Intercession Global Network™?

SIGN's focus is globally-impacting events and issues that are strategic in nature. We live in critical times. These are times in which the time spent in intercession will bear much fruit.
Because of the tempo and prophetic nature of the times we are in, the following issues are ones considered pivotal by the SIGN intercession team:

Understanding the Times and Knowing What to Do
Israel and Jewish Revival
The Persecuted Church and Anti-Semitism
Spiritual Warfare Issues
Revival, Change and Emerging Moves of the Holy Spirit
Secular Enterprises Being Used for Kingdom Purposes
Kingdom Wealth Initiatives

In summary, the SIGN advisory team reviews and releases targets of significance as the Holy Spirit directs, without concern or apology for the volume or lack of it. Some may prefer to follow the summaries at our web sites. Others will want the more detailed posts and updates that come from being members of SIGN's e-mail list. Effort is made in the summaries to give evidence of the answers that have either taken place or are emerging relative to the issues we've been targeting.

Occasional mini-teachings on intercession are given as good reminders to the seasoned prayer warriors; and as good foundation for those just heeding the call to intercession, as well as those who are our seasoned

I encourage you to support S.I.G.N. as well!

Support SIGN Through the
GlobalInitiatives Foundation

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