Saturday, June 16, 2012

Christ in the Old Testament

Christ in the Old Testament pamphlet explores the lives of 13 biblical people who "prefigured" the Messiah. Throughout the Old Testament, God provided "saviors" for the people of Israel who would foreshadow the true, eternal Savior yet to come. Understanding stories such as Joseph or Abraham and how they point to Christ helps us trust in God's provision and wisdom in all things. This 14-panel foldout chart examines types, parallels, and illustrations of Jesus throughout the Old Testament, including people such Melchizedek, King David, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, and many others. When viewed through the prism of Christ's life, death and resurrection, these Old Testament characters and their roles in biblical history take on new dimensions.
Size: 8.5"x 5.5" unfolds to 38" long. Fits inside most Bible covers.

Christ is the key to what God had been pointing to in all the history of God's people. One way to see this is to examine parallels between Old Testament people, events, and things, and the life of Jesus in the New Testament. Christ in the Old Testament pamphlet shows how the Old Testament anticipates, reveals, promises, and foreshadows Christ, featuring types and illustrations of Jesus. The pamphlet reveals:

  • 13 Old Testament people who foreshadowed Jesus
  • A Scriptural time line of their placement in history
  • Summaries of their lives and significance
  • Charts comparing ways their life events and actions paralleled Christ or his coming
  • Life application questions
The 13 people in the Old Testament whose lives foreshadowed Christ include:
  • Adam
  • Noah
  • Abraham
  • Melchizedek
  • Joseph
  • Moses
  • Joshua
  • Samuel
  • David
  • Elijah & Elisha
  • Zerubbabel & Joshua
Throughout the Old Testament history, God provided glimpses into the character and nature of the Messiah through typologies—significant biblical characters whose actions or events symbolically correspond with or contrast to the life of Christ.
Here are a few examples of Christ in the Old Testament:
  • Surrounding the birth of Moses, innocent children were killed by Pharaoh (Exodus 1:22)
  • Surrounding the birth of Jesus, King Herod killed innocent children in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:16)
  • Joshua led god's people to rest in the Promised Land (Joshua 21:44)
  • Jesus'followers are led into rest in this new creation (Hebrews 4:1)
  • Samuel's mother Hannah was blessed by the High Priest Eli before the birth of Samuel (1 Samuel 1:17)
  • Mary, the mother of Jesus, was blessed by an angel before the birth of Jesus (Luke 1:30)
  • Click Here to Order 

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