Leading apologists Dr. Norman Geisler and Alex McFarland (President of Southern Evangelical Seminary) look at the big questions of life, including—
What can we know about the existance of God?
What can we know about right and wrong?
Is belief in God compatible with science?
Is there scientific evidence supporting the belief in God?
If there is a good God, why is there evil?
What about all the evit done in the name of God?
Is the Bible an unreliable collection of myths?
Is there meaning and purpose to life?
The chart provides a comprehensive yet understandable examination of what atheists and agnostics believe and also explains the evidence for the biblical God.
Pamphlet is 5.5 inches x 8.5 inches and unfold to 33 inches long. Fits inside a Bible cover.
Norman L. Geisler is the founder and Dean of Southern Evangelical Seminary and the Veritas Graduate School of Apologetics He is author of numerous books on apologetics and theology, many of which are considered "standard texts" in Christian colleges. Dr. Geisler holds a B.A. and M.A. from Wheaton College, a Th.B. from William Tyndale College, and a Ph.D. from Loyola University.
Alex McFarland is the president of Southern Evangelical Seminary, and also serves as Focus On The Family's spokesperson for Teen Apologetics. He earned an M.A. in Christian Thought / Apologetics from Liberty University and is a monthly columnist for Plugged In magazine.
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