Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Read the Bible This Year

Reading the Bible own your own is an awesome experience. You get the truth of God's Word that will transform you and give you real insight into how much God loves people.

This year I want to suggest several unique Bibles, The Renovare Spiritual Formation Bible and the New Inductive Study Bible are two of the Bibles you might think about buying and reading this year.

The Archaeological Study Bible is also among those you might consider. Please see the material in the previous blog article about this Bible.

The term Spiritual Formation has come to be used for the Spiritual development of believers as they travel on their journey from salvation to their passing from this world into the next.

There is a Bible which focuses on that Journey and path of Spiritual Development or Formation.

1. The Renovare Spiritual Formation Bible by Renovare and Dallas Willard is published by Harper Collins. This Bible offers helps and insights in developing 'The With-God Life.' An introductory article titled; A General Introduction to the Renovaré Spiritual Formation Bible Catching the Vision can be found at the link below. Here are a few sentences from the article. "If we want to receive from the Bible the life "with God" that is portrayed in the Bible, we must be prepared to have our dearest and most fundamental assumptions about ourselves and our associations called into question. We must read humbly and in a constant attitude of repentance. Only in this way can we gain a thorough and practical grasp of the spiritual riches that God has made available to all humanity in his written Word. Only in this way can we keep from transforming The Book into a Catholic Bible, an Orthodox Bible, a Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, or even a RENOVARÉ Bible.

The Article points our two faulty reasons people seek to study the Bible and offers insights into why another approach is needed.
a. The first is the practice of studying the Bible for information or knowledge alone. This may include information about particular facts or historical events, knowledge of general truths or doctrines, or even knowledge of how others are mistaken in their religious views, beliefs, and practices.
b. The second common objective of Bible study is to find some formula that will solve the pressing need of the moment. Thus we seek out specific passages that speak to particular needs rather than seeking whole-life discipleship to Jesus. What we must face up to about these two common objectives for studying the Bible is that we or our human instructors are in charge of the process. They are, in fact, ways of trying to control what comes out of the Bible rather than a means of entering the process of transforming our whole person and our whole life into Christ-likeness."

2. The Inductive Study Bible publishes by Harvest House.
The New Inductive Study Bible is a great tool for independent Bible study. It begins with a 30 or so page section on 'How to Study the Bible' by Kay Arthur. This is from her book 'How to Study the Bible.' Kay teaches the Inductive study method, which is a great tool for independent study. If you want the joy and the challenge of studying the Bible without everyone else’s comments and opinions this is the way to go.

"Readers will discover simple but powerful tools for discovering what the Bible says what it means, and how to live its truths. Features include: updated NASB text in a compact, convenient size; an inductive study method explanation; instructions for marking text; overviews of each book; insights on accurately interpreting biblical truth; full–color charts and maps; wide margins for note–taking." Published by Harvest House Publishers at

Also you can read the Bible on line at a number of websites. The One Year Bible Blog is listed below.


In the days ahead I will offer material on several other newer Bibles. Check back or sign up in the upper right hand corner of this blog for future updates.

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