I am including the material below from the Barna site and a link to another preview that I have posted @ http://equippersedge.blogspot.com
Revolution By George Barna
There is a new breed of Christ-follower in America today. These are people who are more interested in being the Church than in going to church. They are more eager to produce fruit for the kingdom of God than to become comfortable in the Christian subculture. They are focused on the seven spiritual passions that facilitate their growth as genuine people of God and citizens of the kingdom. These people are Revolutionaries. In this courageous new book from bestselling author and renowned researcher George Barna, you will read the results of his studies that have discovered and described a growing national population of more than 20 million adults who are committed to living their faith and making God the top priority in their life. Some are doing so through the ministries of a local church, but many are not.
The emphasis is upon allowing God to transform them in every aspect of their life. This groundswell of spiritual passion and intensity is likely to amount to a Third Great Awakening in the United States, but with a very different look, feel and outcome than previous religious upheavals. In many ways, this new move back to God is designed to return the American Church to its roots – its first-century roots, as depicted in Acts 2.
Topics addressed in this book include:
1. The call to the Church
2. The seven passions of Revolutionaries
3. The current state of the local church
4. Confusion over Church and church
5. Significant cultural trends
6. The emerging spiritual landscape
7. Evidence of God through spiritual min-movements
8. Transformation in today’s world
9. Alternative forms of “doing church”
10. Jesus the Revolutionary
11. The motivations and behaviors of Revolutionaries
12. The impact of the Revolution
13. Characteristics of Revolutionaries
14. Common criticisms of Revolutionaries
15. Affirmations of a Revolutionary
16. How local churches can respond to the Revolution
If you think you are a Revolutionary Christian, this book will encourage you. If you are interested in the future of the Church – and the local church – this book will inform you. If you are a leader in a local church, this book will challenge you. If you are searching for your place in the kingdom of God, this book will guide you.
The Revolution is here. The American Church will never be the same. http://www.barna.org/FlexPage.aspx?Page=Resource&ResourceID=196
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