Sunday, April 07, 2013

Anatomy of a Miracle or Anatomy of Deception

The Anatomy of a Miracle by Dr. James RichardsThis analysis covers both the book and the seminar that was streamed in Denver.

Ø Jim teaches extra biblically about faith and admits that his concept is not found in the Bible. He says “You have to see the ending that you want.” “You really won’t find this word in the Bible, but as you study faith, you start finding this principle and it’s the principle of intention.”

Ø Law of Intention-Jim advances this concept which is clearly taught in New Age philosophy, e.g. Deepak Chopra’s book, Seven Principles of Success. Chopra calls it the ‘law of intention and desire.’
o Chopra is especially fond of the Gnostic gospels in his presentation of Christ as the ‘Third Jesus’.
o Many new age authors endorse this ‘law’ and its centrality to new age spirituality.

Redefining key conceptso Redefines sin, removing God from the equation as being offended by sin... “Don’t ever think about sin as ‘these are the bad things, these are the wrong things;’ think about things as ‘these are the self-destructive things.’”
o Redefines ‘logos’ as not being the written Word of God, but rather “concepts…logic…the way God works…creative ideas based on Scriptural principles” (This inserts much elasticity in the Word that affords much room for “new” interpretation.)
o Redefines righteousness… “Righteousness…is when things are as they should be…Righteousness is a state of being where things are as they should be…Being happy is righteous because that’s how it should be.” (Many unsaved people are quite happy in their sin-based lives, but their happiness certainly does not reflect any righteousness before God!)
o The overall effect of all the redefining moves man to the center and God to the background.

Ø Serendipity principle
o Direct quote: Jim says “In reality, if we live in joy and peace, 90% of what we are wasting our lives praying for, we will never have to pray for again. It’ll just happen. See, I believe in walking in the pathway of life.” “If I am walking in this path, the serendipity principle works. You know, serendipity is where you find something…the thing that you want on your way to something else.”
o New age authors espouse this spontaneous or accidental discovery of your ‘pathway’.
o According to The American Heritage College Dictionary, serendipity is defined: The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident. [From the characters in the Persian fairy tale The Three Princes of Serendip, who made such discoveries.]

Ø Jim claims to hear your thoughts-He said, “You know what? When I’m preaching…so many times I hear what people are thinking. For real! I’m hearing all these voices…..”
o This is dangerous territory in the spirit realm; multiple voices bringing people’s thoughts to Jim Richards
o Hearing of others’ thoughts is also a new age teaching that revolves around ‘thought vibrations’ that not only create your personal universe but can be heard by other finely tuned spiritual people.

Ø Jesus Christ is not central to miracles, to your life, to blessing.
o Anyone can operate in the supernatural based upon quantum physics.
o There is much that can happen in the realm of the supernatural which does not emanate from the power of God, but this teaching does not stipulate that there can be a difference.

Ø The Anatomy of a Miracle gives credence and credibility to universal theology of ‘same god, different approaches’ to get your miracle.
o Does not include Holy Spirit.
o Does not draw people to Jesus.
o Parallels ideas and concepts in many of the books aligned with ‘new age’ or ‘new thought’ philosophy; uses same language and content.
o Gives credibility to muli-theistic, multiple-pathways to a miracle; gives credibility to the Gnostic gospels which are very popular among some new age authors.
o This book has been presented as “evangelistic.” Virtually any book can be evangelistic, i.e. a believer uses it as a platform to bring Jesus into the conversation.
o Jim’s book is consistent with the writings of Deepak Chopra, Ester Hicks, Rhonda Byrne, and Marianne Williamson. Are they evangelistic? If so, unto whom or what?

Ø Law of Attraction-comes from prolific writings emanating back to the late 1800’s and currently popularized by Ester and Jerry Hicks, Michael Losiere, Louise Hay, Ophra Winfrey and by Rhonda Byrne’s book The Secret.
o This ‘law’ states that we create our own reality. (Under this concept then, is it fair to say that the disciples all created their own persecution and martyrdom?)
o It’s all about what we think that creates everything.
o Our thoughts create the miracle; create all circumstances of life.

Ø Law of Harmony- Also known as the ‘law of rhythm’ in metaphysical circles and is closely related to the ‘law of vibration’. Jim discusses this law in the context of the ‘yin and the yang’ Chinese philosophical thought and attempts to tie it to Old Testament principles. This ‘law’ is something Jim advocates as valid and is also advanced as legitimate among new age authors and bloggers.

Ø It is difficult to see how a born-again believer who did not know Jim Richards, had never read any previous books, and simply read The Anatomy of a Miracle objectively could conclude its content to be evangelistic for Jesus, aligned with the Biblical gospel, or consistent with the work of the Cross, and the contemporary activity of the Holy Spirit.
o Filtering his teachings through the grid of positive previous knowledge, i.e. Jim has other good books; he is a minister; he teaches grace and faith righteousness; he’s highly educated and he frames his teaching within the context of Christianity enables one to “assume” his teachings are based in Christianity.

Ø Egocentric theology - It’s all about what YOU want.
o Think it and get it.
o You are the creator of your world…..not a kingdom perspective.
o It’s all about you (me)
o This self-centered theology is central to all new age thinking and practice.

Ø 0verall teaching toneo Heavy use of condescension, humor and sarcasm to belittle, demean and
diminish those who do not agree with him.
o Demeans and criticizes ‘the church,’ setting up an “us against them” kind of elitism. Continually refers to the church as “they” or “them” instead of including himself.
o Jim’s approach is not the approach laid forth in the New Testament scriptures, but it is rather condescending, manipulative, and diminishing as a means of controlling people’s response…how could anyone disagree without being viewed as stupid, religious, legalistic, rigid, and ‘one of them’?
o Creates an elitist attitude, i.e. we’ve got the only true message and others either agree or be cast in the light of the above.

Conclusion: Embracing Jim Richard’s latest book and teaching
We believe this to be a major departure from Biblical Truth that is being heralded as ‘good news.’

It is a departure from core beliefs of Spirit filled, Charismatic and Pentecostal believers.

New Age References as examples consistent with Richard’s teaching:
Ask and it is Given, Esther and Jerry Hicks. Hay House, Inc. 2004.
Quantum Healing; Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine, Deepak Chopra. Bantum Books. 1989.
The Law of Attraction, Ester and Jerry Hicks. Hay House, Inc. 2006
The Secret, Rhonda Byrne. Atria Books. 2006.
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Deepak Chopra. Amber-Allen Publishing. 1994.
The Five Rules of Thought, Mary T. Browne. Atria Books. 2007
The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire; Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence, Deepak Chopra. 2003.
The Spontaneous Healing of Belief; Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits, Greg Braden. Hay House. 2008.
Thanks to PHW for his valuable research on this book. You also see another review of it at


Missi Worcester said...

It is this very reason he wrote the book...for years others have taken the truth of Gods way of doing things and took the glory away from God...the body of Christ which I have been apart of for 15 years and still am are one of the most defeated broke...unhealthy...negative rarely live in victory...remember Satan creates nothing...he only twist's sad when men of God like your self take Glory away from God in his proven science to bless us his people to bring life and victory...he said go have kingship in the earth...we are made in his imagine and can you pull apart a book that is a bridge to minister to those on both sides? God loves all man kind..its his goodness that draws not a self rightous know it all...are we still open to truth? How can you say about laws of attraction and vibration? plenty of science to back up such a detailed glorious God...I am excited to see this book...for until I found out these truths did I finally have miracles...and miracles dear one that would shock you...Its a breath of fresh air to see a christian write a QP book on the laws of every seed of an oak tree is a vibration story of the design before even placed in the ground...when are we christian's going to stop being powerless? and letting new agers have the message that is filled in the word...I could take you in old and new in hebrew as well as greek to back up the truths...why is it new agers are the ones in charge of raw foods and healthy living? hmmm? funny ? I feel we have allowed truth to leave us into their hands because we have feared ...but was it not God who created the foods? I could go on and on ...countless victories...its time we as believers stop being afraid and walk in the power God told us to and own this land for his name and glory...everyday you are using inventions...ideas...from some of the greatest thinkers of the world...and all confirm of thoughts...go look up the water on youtube on power of a written word...I understand your concern...of new agers...but I also remember only God creates. why not redeem these truths back to where they belong so long ago? Thank you for sharing...

Missi Worcester

Equipper said...
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Equipper said...

Missi Walking in the power of God has nothing to do with us assuming authority or rising on some power curve based on the laws of physics.

We may understand them but as believers we operate in authrity based on the will of God not our ability to line up with or exercise power through the laws of physics. I know many people who are happy fulfilled believers in Jesus who operate at God choice in His wonderous power.
There is great danger if we assume to know when and where we may exercise God's power without His direction. The Israelites failure to consult God before they went up to AI is a clear lesson in allowing God to direct the power and gifts he gives us.

One of the key lesson from Eve's being decieved is that we may only exercise God's power and knowledge at His time and according to His will. When we assume to operate as those who have all authority and power without lining up with God's will and plan we set our selves up 'To be as God', something Adam and Eve figured out at a great cost to themselves and one lesson we might pay attention to.

...I understand your concern...of new agers...but I also remember only God creates.

Yes, only God creates not us, unless he directs us and empowers us for His purpose. Jesus himself did only what the father directed.(see John 17)
We are His to command not to exercise His power without His direction, lest we exercise His power by our will.

Why not redeem these truths back to where they belong so long ago?

Unfortunately Mr. Richards does reveal when and how the new agers use these truths or even the danger of using them outside of God's will and plan, which would allow a reader to discern between truth and error. He simply assumes that by placing them and scripture on the same page that everyone will have a rhema word and be able to discern what is and is not on eagaul footing. This is dangerous.

Thank you for sharing...

You are welcome.

ActBeforeYouThink said...

I had started the "Heart Physics" alpha state meditation exercises James Richards teaches but I went online to compare it with new age philosophy I went to a personal testimony at


See my comment (Alex)

Here is a clip of the hosts email response to me:

"The count down repetition is an hypnotic practice also used in inducing trance and altered state of consciousness. Imagining opening a door to the innermost part of your heart is dangerous, you may be granting free access to demons. Merging with Christ is very new age and not biblical. “In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house without first tying him up. Then he can plunder the strong man’s house.” ( Mark 3: 27 )
When you submit yourself to such deceptive practices such as suggested by James Richard you are tying up yourself to be plundered by the dark forces. Thank you for sharing. God bless you and keep you out of trouble."

I think we will carefully study this before we embark on a potentially dangerous and counterfeit practice.

ActBeforeYouThink said...

Can you post links to other christian analyzes of James Richards books and vidoes?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your site! I can't say or write enough about it. I have been scrutinizing Mr. Richards for a long time now and have found dangerous links between his "teachings" and new age ideas. I was not surprised to find a link between modern satanism (not theistic satanism)and Richards' "teachings". Someone I care for deeply is under his sway and it is so dangerous. I am so concerned about all of this. It does not surprise me that this is happening so often-- in the last days we will see many false prophets up until the appearance of the Anti-Christ himself. I pray for those deceived and I pray that the Lord will know what to do with James Richards in His ultimate wisdom. I do not think there is danger in ideas but there is certainly dangers in how you apply them. Richards is telling people they can create their own realities and miracles when it is only God who can decide this. All we need is Jesus and the Bible-- nothing more. And we certainly don't need Jim Richards.