I highly recommend this bible to students and all those who want to see God doing His work in people's lives today! The Fire Bible Student addition is a powerful adaptation of the Life in the Spirit Study Bible.
The information below is from the Fire Bible web site unless stated otherwise. http://fbse.ag.org/index.cfm
WHAT is the FBSE?
The FIRE BIBLE: Student Edition (FBSE) is a study Bible based on the original notes in The Full Life Study Bible (revised as the Life in the Spirit Study Bible), published in English by Zondervan. This Bible is unique in its Pentecostal perspective.
To see a comparison between the FIRE BIBLE: Student Edition and Life in the Spirit Study Bible http://fbse.ag.org/learnmore.cfm.
What are some of the features?
- 20 major themes tracked through Scripture.
- Background and overview of every Bible book.
- Over 80 key issue articles.
- Easy-to-read charts, illustrations and maps.
- Commentary from a Pentecostal perspective.
- Subject index for topical studies.
- Glossary of practical definitions of terms and concepts.
- The most thorough study notes of any student Bible.
“Were not our hearts burning within us while he
talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures
to us?” (Luke 24:32, NIV

Throughout the Bible, fire often symbolizes the presence, power and work of God. In the
Old Testament, God’s presence guided his people in the form of a pillar of fire (Exodus
13:21, 22). In the New Testament, Jesus himself said, “I have come to bring fire on the
earth” (Luke 12:49
). God’s fire usually serve two primary purposes in people’s lives,
depending on how they respond to him (see Deuteronomy 4:24
; Jeremiah 23:29
; Hebrews
12:29). For those who accept his Word and follow him, his fire purifies and refines them
into what he created them to be. But for those who reject and defy him, the fire of God’s
means judgment that will eventually consume and destroy. Ultimately, God’s fire is
meant to ignite within his people a passion for him and his purposes.
Old Testament, God’s presence guided his people in the form of a pillar of fire (Exodus
13:21, 22). In the New Testament, Jesus himself said, “I have come to bring fire on the
earth” (Luke 12:49

depending on how they respond to him (see Deuteronomy 4:24

12:29). For those who accept his Word and follow him, his fire purifies and refines them
into what he created them to be. But for those who reject and defy him, the fire of God’s
means judgment that will eventually consume and destroy. Ultimately, God’s fire is
meant to ignite within his people a passion for him and his purposes.
Before Jesus left the earth following his resurrection, he told his followers that he
would send the Holy Spirit to empower them to effectively serve him and spread his
message (Acts 1:1-8
). That promise was fulfilled on the on the day of Pentecost (see Acts
2). One of the signs of the Spirit’s arrival was what appeared to be tongues of fire that
separated and came to rest on each person who was filled by the Holy Spirit. Though that
particular sign of fire occurred only on that day, the spiritual empowerment that began at
Pentecost is still available and continues to operate in and through Spirit-filled followers
of Christ to this day.
would send the Holy Spirit to empower them to effectively serve him and spread his
message (Acts 1:1-8

2). One of the signs of the Spirit’s arrival was what appeared to be tongues of fire that
separated and came to rest on each person who was filled by the Holy Spirit. Though that
particular sign of fire occurred only on that day, the spiritual empowerment that began at
Pentecost is still available and continues to operate in and through Spirit-filled followers
of Christ to this day.
The notes and commentary in this study Bible reflect an uncompromised
Pentecostal perspective. This is based on a firm belief that Christians today can and
should experience the purposes and power of God’s Holy Spirit in the same way as
Christ’s followers did in the first century church. From Acts to Revelation, you can read
about what Jesus’ followers did through the power of the Holy Spirit. To this day, the
baptism in the Holy Spirit--being immersed in the power of the Spirit--continues to fill
Christians with the desire, urgency and ability to carry out Christ’s command to take his
message throughout the world (see Acts 1:8
; 2:42-47
; 4:31
Pentecostal perspective. This is based on a firm belief that Christians today can and
should experience the purposes and power of God’s Holy Spirit in the same way as
Christ’s followers did in the first century church. From Acts to Revelation, you can read
about what Jesus’ followers did through the power of the Holy Spirit. To this day, the
baptism in the Holy Spirit--being immersed in the power of the Spirit--continues to fill
Christians with the desire, urgency and ability to carry out Christ’s command to take his
message throughout the world (see Acts 1:8

WHY do we need the FBSE?
The aim of youth ministry is to help as many students as possible truly come to know
God and to pursue his purpose for their lives. That knowledge must be based on God’s
Word--it’s how He reveals himself to us. To be ignorant of the Word is to be ignorant of
The main issue in reaching today’s students today is not so much a concern over what
they are doing or even the specific struggles, challenges and temptations they are facing.
The primary hurdle in many cases--even among students who are supposedly Christian--
is what they believe or are led to believe. Even when students claim to believe the Bible,
their views of its basic teachings often reveal that they really don’t know the Word.
• 46% believe that Jesus committed sins.
• 51% believe He died but didn’t rise again.
• 63% believe that most religions pray to the same God.
• 48% believe it doesn’t matter what faith you adopt because they all believe the same
principles. Third Millennium Teens, George Barna
The aim of youth ministry is to help as many students as possible truly come to know
God and to pursue his purpose for their lives. That knowledge must be based on God’s
Word--it’s how He reveals himself to us. To be ignorant of the Word is to be ignorant of
The main issue in reaching today’s students today is not so much a concern over what
they are doing or even the specific struggles, challenges and temptations they are facing.
The primary hurdle in many cases--even among students who are supposedly Christian--
is what they believe or are led to believe. Even when students claim to believe the Bible,
their views of its basic teachings often reveal that they really don’t know the Word.
• 46% believe that Jesus committed sins.
• 51% believe He died but didn’t rise again.
• 63% believe that most religions pray to the same God.
• 48% believe it doesn’t matter what faith you adopt because they all believe the same
principles. Third Millennium Teens, George Barna
On the surface, these statistics could spell spiritual disaster in the years ahead. But the
FBSE can play a pivotal role in reversing these alarming trends.
Rather than being characterized by biblical illiteracy, this generation of students could be
the one that fulfills the Great Commission, reaching the entire planet with the message of
Jesus. But to communicate Christ’s message, we have to know what God has already said
through his Word. After all, we can’t help others understand what we ourselves don't
The reason most people don’t share their faith isn’t because they don't believe or because
they’re ashamed. They simply aren’t sure what to say if they actually got into a
conversation about Christ, or the Bible, or faith. The FBSE--like no other Bible
available--will help students grasp the deeper issues and answers regarding your faith.
That way, they can step out with confidence and talk about Jesus.
On the surface, these statistics could spell spiritual disaster in the years ahead. But the
FBSE can play a pivotal role in reversing these alarming trends.
Rather than being characterized by biblical illiteracy, this generation of students could be
the one that fulfills the Great Commission, reaching the entire planet with the message of
Jesus. But to communicate Christ’s message, we have to know what God has already said
through his Word. After all, we can’t help others understand what we ourselves don't
The reason most people don’t share their faith isn’t because they don't believe or because
they’re ashamed. They simply aren’t sure what to say if they actually got into a
conversation about Christ, or the Bible, or faith. The FBSE--like no other Bible
available--will help students grasp the deeper issues and answers regarding your faith.
That way, they can step out with confidence and talk about Jesus.
The FBSE is the only Bible of its kind specifically geared for students. It doesn’t take the
“what do you think? how do you feel?” approach used by many devotional-type resources. Such an approach can actually compromise on in-depth study Bible that willhelp you understand what the Word is really saying.e’s concept of God’s absolute, uncompromised, unchanging truth. Instead, the FBSE is an in-depth study Bible that will help you understand what the Word is really saying.
The FBSE is the only Bible of its kind specifically geared for students. It doesn’t take the
“what do you think? how do you feel?” approach used by many devotional-type resources. Such an approach can actually compromise on in-depth study Bible that willhelp you understand what the Word is really saying.e’s concept of God’s absolute, uncompromised, unchanging truth. Instead, the FBSE is an in-depth study Bible that will help you understand what the Word is really saying.

1 comment:
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
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