Tuesday, January 31, 2012

This Declaration of Dependence is . . .
A radical solution to these radical times; the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony in bold action. Mature. Strong. Controversial. Governmental not political. Uncomfortable. Where has conform gotten us? Politically incorrect. We have been pursuing things that dont matter, wont last and could cost us everything. The Bible is the first book of law, government, history, economics and education.
We need the gospel; the healing of the brokenhearted, the proclamation of liberty to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, and the bound set free. We need you. In a day of extreme sports, extreme weather outbreaks, extreme division, extreme financial crisis, extreme world upheaval, isnt it time for extreme prayer?
As youre praying, youll be shining light, showing love, speaking truth and enthroning glory. Be strengthened as you pray, knowing God hears you and that youre making the difference.
This is not about keeping the status quo. Its not about saving the economy, electing a new leader or having a religious experience. Its not Sunday morning churchianity, its a lifestyle. Its about being transformed into the image of the Son. Its about returning to Yahweh. The prodigals are coming home. Will you declare your dependence?

Table of Contents

Foreword by James Nesbit
Part 1: Seek His Face
Part 2: Whats in a Name?
Part 3: Rediscovering Liberty
Chapter 1: A Wounded and Broken Nation
Chapter 2: Separation of Secular and Spiritual Areas of Life
Chapter 3: Bondage of Religion
Chapter 4: Fear of Man in Our Schools
Chapter 5: Abortion
Chapter 6: The Church Not Functioning as the Governmental Assembly of the Kingdom of God
Chapter 7: Not Identifying the Real Enemy
Chapter 8: Financial Crisis and Bankruptcy of the Nation
Chapter 9: External Liberty Compromised
Chapter 10: Debtor Nation
Chapter 11: Darkness in the Land
Chapter 12: Liberty is Indivisible (Not able to be Divided)
Chapter 13: Thinking That All Belief Systems are Equal
Chapter 14: The Legal System Oppressing the Poor and Defenseless
Chapter 15: Political Correctness
Chapter 16: A Welfare-Dependent Culture
Chapter 17: False Prophets in the Church Mixing Truth and Error
Chapter 18: Rampant Lawlessness and Rebellion
Chapter 19: Diminished Parental Influence in Education
Chapter 20: Forgetting the Foundations on Which We Were Built
Chapter 21: Self-Centered Nation
Chapter 22: Looking to Civil Government for Rights
Chapter 23: National and Global Chaos
Chapter 24: Baal Worship in our Churches
Chapter 25: Decline of the Nation
Chapter 26: Freemasonry and Secret Societies
Chapter 27: Celebrity Culture in the Churches
Chapter 28: Sin Among Clergy and Church Leaders
Chapter 29: Not Understanding that Yahweh is the Source of Liberty
Chapter 30: Disregarding Gods Covenant
Chapter 31: Increase in Number of Laws
Chapter 32: Culture Has a Religious Base (No Neutrality)
Chapter 33: The Church Failing the Poor
Chapter 34: Immigration Conflicts
Chapter 35: Freemasonry in the Church
Chapter 36: Holding on to Soul Wounds
Chapter 37: Dividing Liberty (Liberty is Indivisible)
Chapter 38: Liberty Starts Within
Chapter 39: Christians and Ministries Living with a Poverty Mindset
Chapter 40: Plea for Mercy
Chapter 41: Anti-God and Anti-Constitution Government Schools
Chapter 42: Breaking Covenant
Chapter 43: False Security and General Sense of Fear
Chapter 44: Election of Leaders that Fear Yahweh
Chapter 45: The System Has Taken Control of the Classroom Away from the Teacher
Chapter 46: Sexual Immorality
Chapter 47: The Declining Standard of Character
Chapter 48: Paying Tribute to Islam
Chapter 49: Postmodernism in the Church
Chapter 50: Environmentalism (A Religious Worldview)
Chapter 51: Turning the Hearts of Other Nations Against Yahweh
Appendix: Religion vs. Kingdom
Appendix: Tree of Liberty vs. Tree of Bondage and Tyranny
Appendix: Cycle of Liberty
Where Do I Go From Here?
About the Author

About the Author

Dr. Marlene McMillan has been teaching Christians and non-Christians how to apply the Bible to daily life and influence our culture for over 20 years. Earning a D.Min. with an emphasis in Church and State Relations has opened doors for town hall debates, media interviews, and a greater level of cultural impact. She has become one of the most highly trained business consultants available, with an established reputation in the areas of Branding and Internet Marketing, Media Interview preparation and Niche Celebrity development. In addition to being in demand as a business speaker, she continues an active teaching ministry and is known as the Nations Expert on the Principles of Liberty. Dr. McMillan resides in Texas

Purchase this book at The Arsenal  http://www.arsenalbooks.com/ 

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